He had a eye similar to lotus-petals and was allow like occupied the moon. His weapons were to lengthy and also a good-looking. He had wide shoulder. His eye were a red. He had a bottomless vote. He had balanced limb. His walk was a slow and royal. It was similar to a lion. He had four shape on his thumb. He had a sharp nose. He had a lofty forehead.
JaI Ram Sita Ram Jai Jai Ram Sita Ram. Jai Jai Ram Sita Ram Jai Jai Ram Sita Ram
Sri Rama is an Avatara of Lord Hari Lakshmana is an Avatara of Adisesha. Bharata and Satrughna are Avataras of the conch and was discus. Sita was the Avatara of Sri Lakshmi.
Hindu God Shri Rama Wallpaper
Lord Shri Ram Photo
Hindu God Shri Rama Picture