Spiritual Books - Quote - Wallpaper

This one is a beautiful desktop background Wallpaper of Sai Baba.

This pc wallpaper has the image of ocean with sunset in the clouds. Picture of Sai Babaji is embedded over the ocean, besides the sunset.

To download the background image clik on the image on right and then right click to get the option for download.

The quote or saying of Shri Sai Baba on this background image is

Mere reading of spiritual books will not be enough. The teachings in them have to be practiced and lived. Think and practice what you read: otherwise it is useless. Learning without the grace of Guru is of no use.

Some more details for this quote of Shirdi Sai Baba can be read in Gurus or Gods grace.

Some pondering over the above quote. Sai Baba of Shirdi mostly used symbolic language. Here it looks more straight forward. To a devotee who was reading a spiritual book Baba said this words. It indicates that mere reading of the book is not enough. One must ponder over what has been written and accumalate teachings in mind and heart.

What is written in the book should be practiced and lived. If we read in the book that "We should not idle away our time in mere gossiping" and soon start gossip with friends or family members, it's of little use. If we read "Guru's grace is very essential." and we don't seek Guru's grace, it's of little help.

Think and practice what you read. It is very easy to read and then engage our selves in other mundane activities. If while reading we give importance to what has been said. Ponder on those point over and over again it sinks in out minds. It becomes a part of our life. So thinking over some sayings of Sai Baba or what has been said in the spiritual books is very essential. Only than it becomes part of life. It becomes a practice in daily living.

Most important most of us miss is " Learning without the grace of Guru is of no use." A little more about reading or learning with or without grace is given on About Sai SatCharitra. If our ego feels that it is learning something from the sacred book and strengthen the feeling of i am greator holier than thou, it will not serve the right purpose. On the other hand, if we seek Guru's or God's grace, no that Guru's grace will enlighten us and guide us. Our ego and knowledge is nothing but Guru's grace will reveal the knowlegde within us, it becomes more helpful.
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